Code of Conduct for its NAFC Members

Preamble: Actions of NAFC members reflect on NAFC as a whole. Therefore, the actions of all members should ensure that NAFC maintains its high regard.  The reputation and image of NAFC should be considered in each member’s actions and communications.


  • Become familiar with the NAFC’s Term of Reference and abide by it.
  • Show respect, sensitivity and consideration for all persons attending NAFC meetings.
  • Respect each member’s privacy and confidentiality.
  • Respect the sensitivity and confidentiality of information discussed at NAFC meetings.
  • Avoid making judgments on any situation in the absence of all of the facts and information.
  • Understands that as a member of the NAFC, it is each member’s responsibility to adhere to this Code of Conduct.
  • Understands that should a member conduct themselves in a manner that is improper or unbecoming for a member of NAFC, and/or is likely to endanger the interest or reputation of NAFC;  it may be necessary for the NAFC membership to vote to expel, suspend or otherwise discipline said member.  The NAFC executive will take the following steps: 
    1. Send a written communication advising said member that they are temporarily suspended from acting as a member of the NAFC until the executive can arrange for a special meeting of the membership to be held to address the allegations in question.
    2. Notify members 30 days in advance of the proposed meeting advising that allegations of misconduct against a member will be brought to the floor by a motion and in order for the motion to pass there must be greater than a 50% majority vote from the members in attendance.

Approved by the NAFC membership on Nov 24, 2023