Northern Health Authority (NHA) and Long-Term Care Resident and Family Councils

When new residential care regulations were announced by the Ministry of Health in Nov 2022 around the operation of Resident and Family Councils, Health Authorities were also mandated by the Ministry of Health to form Regional Resident and Family Councils Networks (RRFCN) in the spring of 2023. The Government refers to this forum operating in each health authority as a “Regional Council

In the MoH booklet “Developing, Supporting and Maintaining Resident and Family Councils” it states on pages 4 and 5 as follows:


A health authority-led regional meeting of local council chairs to discuss successes, common issues of concern, share experiences, problem solve and develop and implement broad regional solutions. There may be more than one Regional Council in each health authority based on geography or other relevant factors.

Some homes have a RESIDENT COUNCIL, a FAMILY COUNCIL, or a RESIDENT AND FAMILY COUNCIL. They may have more than one of these and each may have a different focus.

Individual Resident and/or Resident and Family Council chairs in British Columbia will be invited to participate in a Regional Council which is co-chaired by the health authority and a local council chair. Health authority home and community care staff and licensing officers will also be invited to attend these meetings. The Regional Councils will report up to the Provincial Forum.

If the families or residents of a home are having challenges establishing a Council, the local Regional Council can provide support and resources. This may be especially helpful in smaller homes.


The Ministry of Health has established a Provincial Forum in which the Regional Council representatives, health authority long-term care leadership and Ministry of Health leadership meet to discuss systemic issues and proposed system change. The Provincial Forum is accountable to the Minister of Health.

The above noted Government Regional and Provincial forums are separate from the Independent Regional and Provincial Forums

NOTE: All regional and provincial venues operate to provide avenues for residents, their families and representatives to be able to elevate their collective voices to the Health Authorities and to the MoH

The Government Provincial Forum runs parallel to the Independent Provincial Association of Family Councils Forum (ILTCCABC)

The Government Regional RRFCN forums run parallel to the Independent Regional Associations of Family Councils Forums.

On page 23 of the Ministry of Health Councils Booklet ““Developing, Supporting and Maintaining Resident and Family Councils” it states the following:

Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC (ITLCCABC) ILTCCABC is a provincial association of Councils which is comprised of regional associations of councils established in each health authority. Regional associations include family council members and volunteers with lived experience.

ILTCCABC promotes the collective voice of residents and their families across the province, sharing experiences, best practices, and networking to address common concerns. Experienced volunteers are available to assist residents, families, and long-term care home operators to establish and grow resident and family councils. More information is available at or and they can be contacted at

Comparison of Independent verses Government REGIONAL and PROVINCIAL Forums for Long-Term Care Residents and their Families

Five (5) INDEPENDENT Regional Associations of Family Councils (RAFCs) and an INDEPENDENT Provincial Association of Family Councils have been operating across BC since 2021. The GOVERNMENT announced in late 2022 that it would create its own Regional Resident and Family Council Networks (RRFCNs) and a Provincial group led by the Ministry of Health which would begin operating in the spring/summer of 2023. Having two streams of REGIONAL forums and two streams of PROVINCIAL forums has led to some confusion for Long Term Care Residents and Families.

NOTE: All Regional Forums and Provincial Forums operate to provide avenues of opportunity for Long-Term Care (LTC) Residents and their Families/Representatives to elevate their collective voice to the Health Authorities (HAs) and to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The Government Regional forums run parallel to the Independent Regional Forums
The Government Provincial forums runs parallel to the Independent Provincial forums.

ALL Regional Forums engage council voices for the purpose of elevating issues, ideas, observations, and recommendations to the Ministry of Health (MoH) for their consideration in the continuous improvement of Long-Term Care (LTC). Both promote resident-centered care and aim to enhance the resident and family LTC experience. Both meet via Zoom or Teams. Both create a Terms of Reference to guide the operations of the regional council.
ALL Provincial Forums meet to identify systemic issues and system changes needed to improve the quality of care and quality of life for residents living in care.
Each independent RAFC consists of its member Family Councils operating in LTC homes within the same region, as well as member volunteers with lived experiences (often previously a member of a LTC family council). Each HA RRFCN (Regional Council) consists of individual Resident Chairs and Council Chairs. There may be more than one Regional Council established in each health authority based on geography or other relevant factors.
Independently created by families & other persons of importance to the Residents and persons with lived experience in LTC. Led by an elected executive (e.g., Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer). Government HA created. Led by delegated HA Co-Chair and designated or elected Resident and/or Family Co-Chair(s) and Vice-Chair(s).
Each RAFC invites representatives from its member family councils AND other approved individual members to attend regular meetings every other month or as needed. Evening meetings are held so working members can attend. The Chair (or a designated representative) of each Resident and/or Family Council can attend regional meetings every 3-4 months. Daytime meetings are held to accommodate HA schedules.
RAFCs submit meeting minutes to its member family councils. The RRFCN Co-Chairs submit meeting minutes to its members and to MoH
3 Regional Association Representatives (RA Reps) are delegated from each RAFC to attend provincial forum monthly meetings. RA Reps network to discuss systemic issues and propose system changes. The collective voice of recommendations is taken directly to MoH at scheduled quarterly meetings. The MoH has established a provincial forum meeting (1-2 times per year). Representatives delegated from each Regional Council, HA LTC leadership, and MoH licensing leadership discuss systemic issues and propose system changes. The provincial forum is accountable to the Minister of Health.