Frequently Asked Questions

What is a family council?

A family council is a group of people, representing residents in care, who meet regularly to:

  • Promote the collective interests of residents
  • Discuss issues of concern and consider solutions
  • Advocate for quality care and quality of life for all residents
  • Provide a voice for decision-making on everything that affects residents in their day-to-day lives
  • Engage residents, families, staff and management in the long-long-term care community to improve the experience for everyone

How many people do we need to start a family council?

  • You don’t need a lot of people to start a family council.  As few as three people are enough to begin with; then, you can encourage others to join.  VIAFC will assist you in how you can increase your numbers

What do family councils do?

  • Create a safe environment for members to talk openly
  • Offer ongoing support for one another and share experiences and information
  • Encourage respectful communication and connections with each other and with the long-term care home operator and staff
  • Serve as a sounding board and advisory body on  new ideas and potential improvements
  • Advocate for positive change within the home and the long-term care system
  • Educate and inform families about issues relating to residents, Island Health and the long-term care system via guests from within the home and via external experts

Who can join a family council?

  • Family members, representatives such as companions and friends and others who act on behalf of residents in long-term care
  • Pursuant to the regulation introduced in November, 2022, Managers and staff cannot be family council members and can only attend meetings at the invitation of the family council

What are the benefits of a Family Council?

  • Allow families to give each other ongoing mutual support and encouragement. Sharing thoughts and feelings with others who are in the same situation can help family members – Example: when experiencing difficulties in adjusting to having a loved one in long-term care
  • Provide a forum for learning – Example: regarding  residents’ rights, the health issues affecting residents (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease), or other relevant topics
  • Provide an opportunity to become knowledgeable about the long-term care home’s  operations, policies and rules. This can be especially helpful for families of new residents
  • Can help families and the long-term care home  form a positive partnership aimed at improving resident care
  • Offer family members a chance to express their collective concerns – a “united voice” supporting a “united effort.” In this way, a family council can be a catalyst for positive changes in residents’ daily lives, families’ experiences and in the long-term care home in general
  • Can benefit residents who are physically or mentally unable to voice their needs and concerns as well as those without family
  • Can benefit the long-term care home by providing a means for staff to deal directly with families as a group and establish meaningful ongoing lines of communication. For example, staff may be able to use the family council as a sounding board for new ideas
  • Ultimately, improve residents’ quality of life and supports families of residents

Our Home has a Family Advisory Committee (or a Staff-Led Family Forum), do we need a family council?

  • Some long-term care homes may have a Family Advisory Committee that provides advice exclusively to the home.  Others may have a monthly meeting where staff create the agenda, deliver information and ask families if they have anything they wish to discuss
  • This is not the same as a family council which is  independent and self-led. Family councils provide assistance and advice to families of residents in the home and make recommendations to the home in the interests of residents and their families

Do residents participate in the Family Council?

  • Many homes have resident councils. It may seem that a family council and a resident council have much the same purpose and that they should be combined into one group. However, experience shows that many residents and family members have very different needs, interests, and abilities. 
  • Family members, who are often better able to express themselves, soon dominate a combined council.  Residents and families need their own separate council geared to their special situations and interests.  Ideally, a family council and the long-term care home’s resident council will keep each other informed and sometimes work in partnership

How much time is involved volunteering to lead a family council?

  • As a volunteer, you can provide as much or as little time as you have to contribute.  The benefit of having two or more executive council leaders is that they can share the tasks. Generally, if the family council has one meeting a month, each volunteer should expect to spend at least two  hours preparing and following up on meeting conversations (concerns and ideas) and one hour in the meeting.
  • There is nothing more rewarding to the long-term care home community than being a volunteer on the family council. Your efforts help deepen relationships between families and care home management with the end result of improving quality of care and quality of life for residents.

In addition to providing a Staff Person, how will the long-term care home support a family council?

  • Provide physical meeting space and/or a virtual meeting method.
  • Educate staff and encourage them to help generate interest in the family council.
  • Send out notices:  example: in the home’s own mailings to family members.
  • Post on bulletin boards/create a family council bulletin board.

For specific legislated support required, read About the changes to resident and family councils

If my loved one has passed away, does that mean I can’t continue to be a member of the Family Council?

  • No, family councils are self-led, independent groups who decide on their own membership within the framework provided in the Residential Care Regulations.
  • As such, the council can set provisions within its Terms of Reference for continuing membership of a family council member who no longer has a family member/friend who is a resident in the long-term care home.  The only caveat is that this person does not have a vote.
  • It is important for your council to have a Terms of Reference which defines its structure, operating procedure, and membership. The licensee/administrator does not have the authority to interfere with decisions relating to membership.
  • The experience and wisdom derived from a family council member who has lost their loved one can be invaluable in helping transition new members into leadership roles.