Our People

Our people consist of committed volunteers who are the heart of NAFC!

Their helping hands and good works make a difference not only improving quality of care and quality of life for residents who reside in long-term care homes in Northern BC but also in improving the overall long-term care system right across BC.

NAFC Membership

         Each member stated below is entitled to one vote at NAFC meetings and may hold office on the NAFC Executive:  

          a) TWO appointed or elected family council member representatives from each long-term care home in the Northern Health Authority to represent their individual Family Council. 

          b) a Family Council member whose loved one is now deceased but wishes to continue their involvement in NAFC.  

          c) a person, other than those in (a) and (b) above, who is currently, or has in the past, been involved in advocating to enhance the quality of care and quality life of residents in long term care. Such a person may have previously worked in long term care, volunteered in long term care, been a member of a Family Council at some point in time, and, through recommendation of a member set out in category (a) or (b) above wishes to advocate for Family Councils by becoming a member in NAFC. This membership is subject to approval by the NAFC executive. 

NAFC Executive

The Executive committee will be elected at the annual general meeting (AGM). The executive positions members can stand for are Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and (three) 3 Directors representing different regions (N.W., N.I., N.E.) within the Northern Health Authority. The Past Chair may remain on the executive committee in an advisory position for one year. 

NAFC Regional Association Representatives

NAFC is one of five (5) independent Regional Associations of Family Councils (RAFCs). NAFC was formed in 2021 and operates independently within the Northern Health Authority. There is currently one association in each health authority within BC. Each RAFC is a member of the Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC (ILTCCABC), an independent provincial association of family councils registered as a BC society, 

Each of the 5 RAFCs attend meetings of ILTCCABC by way of its 3 delegated RA Representatives (RA Reps). There are currently up to 15 RA Reps attending the ILTCCABC meetings. Each RA Rep is entitled to speak and vote, and in all other respects exercise the rights of a member, and each RA Representative shall be recognized as a member for all purposes at ILTCCABC meetings 

At NAFC’s AGM, usually held in April, the 3 RA Reps will be elected, and their positions will take effect at the next provincial AGM, usually held in May.