What We Do

We Network LTC Home Family Councils

  • by providing an independent forum for long-term care (LTC) family councils to offer support to one another, discuss, plan and advocate for needed change to the LTC system.

We are a Resource

  • to educate about the role, purpose and benefits of resident and/or family councils in LTC homes.
  • to transition staff-led councils to independent councils
  • to establish independent councils where none exist.
  • to provide information about regulations, policy, guidelines and other information about resident and family councils.
  • to help strengthen relationships between long-term care home operators and resident and/or family councils.

We Elevate the Collective Voice

  • of concerns & recommendations coming from Northern BC LTC Councils to the provincial association of family councils (ILTCCABC) who then dialogue directly with the Ministry of Health, Health Authorities, and the Office of the Seniors Advocate on behalf of ALL five regions.